Connect with Andy

Andy Chandler

Chief Customer Officer

What I do at Pinpoint

Hi, I'm Andy and I run the Customer teams here at Pinpoint.

Our team is committed to providing exceptional service to our customers and helping them in any way we can.  Our goal is to help customers be successful by using Pinpoint to hire the ideal candidate for every role.

I believe the only way to do this is to really understand what our customers needs and goals are and look at everything from their point of view.  We are not a team that just sits back and answers questions that come to us, we are proactive in finding out possible pain points in the future and solving them before they become problems.

Who am I?

In my career I've worked for massive companies like Microsoft and Amazon and small start ups on shoes string budgets.  I've always focused on delivering results for customers and going beyond what is expected of me.

I've always loved building and being a part of great teams that trust each other, make customers successful and have fun along the way.

I believe in the kaizen approach to life, that if we can find small ways to be better each day it enriches us and those around us.

I am always striving to be quality in everything I do, whether that's talking with customers, organising a team event or creating process.  Quality is difficult to define but everyone knows it when they see it.

Advice for prospective candidates

I'm always looking for people who are curious and have taken the time to think about Pinpoint and what it means for our customers.  Come ready to ask questions and find out more about us.  

I like people who are ready to learn and be a part of a team.
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