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Bill Rogers


What I do at Pinpoint

👋 Hey, I'm Bill.

I'm the CTO here at Pinpoint, and I lead the product team. We're a results orientated bunch who want to build a product we can be proud of. My main job is to find great developers and convince them to work here - great people make for a great product and working environment. I am also responsible for:

  • Managing the roadmap and making sure we deliver for the rest of the business.
  • Helping the team out in any way I can.
  • Ensuring that we understand the needs of our customers to help us make the right decisions when building features.

Why Pinpoint

If you want to produce work you are proud of, and make a real difference to real clients this is the place for you.

There's no limit on how quick you can learn, or what you can get involved with. Want to try something new? Go ahead!

Who am I?

I'm a co-founder of Pinpoint and so have been here from the very beginning. I started my software development career (relatively) late at the ripe old age of 23. Before that I was an investment manager at a big bank, after completing a degree in Ancient History. Consequently I'm of the belief that a willingness to learn and enjoying what you are doing is more important than a formal education or experience with any particular technology.

Advice for prospective candidates

If you want a 9-5 job, this isn't for you. If you want to be spoon-fed, this isn't for you. 

If you want to take responsibility for projects, think on your feet, and be part of a team that's growing fast, this is for you. 

I believe intelligent and inquisitive people can turn their hand to virtually anything, so that's what I look for in people. 

As a manager I care about (in no particular order): 
  • Doing what you say you will when you say you will.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Asking for help when you need it.
  • Being willing to offer your help and time to others when they need it.
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